Our last evening boat ride was spectacular. We saw lots and lots of birds and I was especially happy to get to see the black egret, or umbrella bird again. He was my favorite bird from our last trip to Botswana. Unfortunately I don't have a photo of him, but they pull their wings forward rapidly from time to time, to shade the water so they can find prey. They look (not surprisingly) like a black umbrella, and they move so quickly that it makes a "fwap!" sound. There is a batman feel to the whole thing that is delightful. We stayed out a little later than intended so needed to rush back to camp. I swear that our guide Barobi can see in the dark. We were zooming through narrow channels of that water, in the dark, and he was able to maneuver perfectly. I later learned that many Botswanans have this ability, and they think it is normal. We think it is extraordinary.
Dinner that night was outdoors in the boma. It was memorable in many ways---delicious food, beautiful setting, and interesting company. What made it really stay with me however, were the sand fleas, that were feasting on my feet and ankles while I was enjoying the Botswanan barbecued beef. I have never had bites like that in my life and now kind of wish I'd taken a photo--it looked like the measles and itched like crazy for the next few days. Fortunately, the next camp supplied me with cream, and some new friends from Nova Scotia (more about them later), had some potion as well. They really saved me.
If you haven't read the Number One Ladies Detective Agency series by Alexander McCall Smith, you really should. They are delightful books, and he manages to truly capture the personality and character of the Botswanan people. They are amazed at his insight into their country and its people. He captures the genuine kindness and integrity that we experienced with nearly everyone we met there.
Brings back great memories! I wonder why the sand fleas weren't attracted to me.
I adore the Number One Ladies Detective Agency books! As you say, delightful, and they speak to gentleness and grace of existence. Donita
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