Monday, April 26, 2010


Okay, so I have heard from quite a few of you, and I confess that I dropped the ball and have not been consistent with my posts. Nothing for over seven months. But a lot happened in that time, and I was diverted by other pressing projects. Not an excuse, mind you, just an explanation.

I started this blog over a year ago primarily to post photos, paintings, and poetry inspired by my first trip to Africa in October of 2008, but got so involved with other trips and projects that those images got put on the back burner. Well, I returned to Africa last month, and have been posting lots of new material---a not-in-real time journal of the trip, photos and soon, art inspired by it. I've been working steadily in the studio, doing lots of reflecting and drawing. Please keep checking back for results and in-progress projects.

1 comment:

Tamara Jenkinson said...

Hi Kathrin,
I met you at the psalm writing workshop last year... wanted to come this year but various things prevented me. Anyway, I had left you invite to read this blog unopened as possibly suspect marketing.... and I am very glad that I looked more closely at the e-mailo addess and recognised your name. Lovely lovely site with so much content and I thank you for all teh work to share at this level.
Blessings, Tamara
P.S> We are having a poetry dayu onJune 19th ... all day workshop costs $30 .. up past Grey's Flat ( one hour from Arcata) . Lovely house... experienced workshop director from New York... event is sponsored by Studio 299 and will have wonderful organic food.... lovely setting... and might be a day away from work for you .... let me know at
Thaqnk you again for wow photos and amazing writing. I am moved and nurtured. Tamara